Wednesday November 26th - Friday November 28th

Even though I originally wanted to take a trip to Ireland or Scotland I changed my mind and decided to take a trip to London. London wasn't what I preferred but it was much cheaper and I knew there would be no shortage of things to do. Right after I arrived I headed straight to the hostel because it was late and I was tired from the flight. It was my first time in a youth hostel so I was a little nervous, but it was cheap and convenient. Luckily it wasn't too bad, and for a place to sleep it was worth it. My first full day in London was busy and I took several time-lapses and walked around the Oxford Circus area while I waited to meet up with a friend. I went through several of the shops and got to experience the Christmas lights. Since I was near the Trafalgar square area I tried to find it but never did. Instead I walked around and found a couple of gardens and squares. After I met up with my Friend she showed me how to get to Trafalgar square, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the Christmas lights. We also crossed the Westminster Bridge and looked at the eye from across the river. There were many other things we did, and we eventually stopped at this one place to sit down and eat dinner before heading our own ways. I probably walked about 20 miles that day, but the next morning I was determined to visit all of the stuff again and take daytime pictures. That I took a couple more time-lapses and videos, and found my way to the London National Gallery. I really wanted to go in, but was worried it would cost too much. However, when I got there I found out it was free, and even though I was exhausted from all the walking, I went inside and looked around. I really liked the gallery, and inside were a few Van Gogh paintings, Caravaggio, and many, many others. After the museum I found my way to a train station and took a train to the Gatwick Airport. At the airport I ate a late Thanksgiving dinner (which was technically for Christmas, but it had all the same stuff) and walked around on a nice little nature trail. Friday was another tiring day, and I probably walked another 10 miles, but it was both fun and relaxing. When I got back to Norway that night I was exhausted and was ready to relax for a few days before heading back home, but very glad I decided to take the trip to London.

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