
Photography Final: Cultural Food

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 5mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/5
TV:1/320 sec
Flash: None

This picture was taken at the beginning of the trip, and I had my camera set in AV mode. Because it was bright outside I had my camera at a higher aperture, the shutter speed was faster, and I was able to keep the ISO at 100.
Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length:4mm
ISO: 800
AV: f/3
Flash: None

Since this picture was taken at night I had the ISO set at 800. Surprisingly, even with the ISO so high, there doesn't seem to be too much grain. I also had my camera set into AV mode for this picture to get the focus on the top of the cake, and the shutter was slower to compensate for the dark room. 

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length:400
ISO: 400
AV: f/4.2
TV:1/20 sec
Flash: None

This was a quick picture I took of the fruit stand coming back from a night photo shoot of the Colosseum  in Rome. I still had my ISO at 400 for the night pictures, but I adjusted my aperture to 4.2 for a more narrow depth of field.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 8mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/3.5
TV:1/10 sec
Flash: None

I had my camera in AV for this picture and did my lowest possible aperture for the amount of zoom I was using. I also had my camera's focus set on manual because I wanted the strawberry to be crisp and in focus. I also had my ISO set at 100 to keep the picture sharp.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length:8mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/3.5
TV:1/20 sec
Flash: None

I took this picture at the same place I took the one with the strawberry cake, and the settings stayed pretty much the same. Because I was standing a little farther back, so I could include the entire glass and the spoon, more is in focus, but I still kept my aperture as low as possible.

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