
Photography Final: Cultural Traditions and Events

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length:28mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/4.4
TV:1/50 sec
Flash: None

Since it was a cloudy day outside and I wanted to get sharp pictures of the horses I put my camera into TV mode to prevent as much motion blur as possible. I also lowered the ISO to 100 to keep the image sharp, and to try and prevent graininess.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length:160mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/5.5
TV:1/160 sec
Flash: None

I zoomed in a lot to get this picture, and it took several tries before I got the composition and sharpness the way I wanted. I had my camera in manual mode because I wanted to prevent motion blur and be able to control my depth of field. I also had my camera set at ISO 100 to keep the quality nice and sharp.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length:107mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/4.9
TV:1/60 sec
Flash: None

This picture is pretty much the same as above, and I kept the camera in manual mode to control the shutter and aperture (I wanted to prevent motion blur, yet have a more narrow depth of field), and I had my ISO set at 100 to save the quality as much as possible.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 40mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/4.6
TV:1/60 sec
Flash: None

This was one of the last pictures I took of the horses and for some reason I switched back to shutter priority. I don't really remember why, but maybe it's because the horses were moving more than they were before (or I was feeling lazy). I also kept the ISO at 100 for the same reason as the previous pictures.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length:40mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/4.6
TV: 1/50 sec
Flash: None

This one is also in Shutter priority mode with the ISO at 100 to save the quality. The horse was not moving too much and it was cloudy so I left the shutter speed at 1/50 of a second.

Photography Final: Cultural Food

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 5mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/5
TV:1/320 sec
Flash: None

This picture was taken at the beginning of the trip, and I had my camera set in AV mode. Because it was bright outside I had my camera at a higher aperture, the shutter speed was faster, and I was able to keep the ISO at 100.
Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length:4mm
ISO: 800
AV: f/3
Flash: None

Since this picture was taken at night I had the ISO set at 800. Surprisingly, even with the ISO so high, there doesn't seem to be too much grain. I also had my camera set into AV mode for this picture to get the focus on the top of the cake, and the shutter was slower to compensate for the dark room. 

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length:400
ISO: 400
AV: f/4.2
TV:1/20 sec
Flash: None

This was a quick picture I took of the fruit stand coming back from a night photo shoot of the Colosseum  in Rome. I still had my ISO at 400 for the night pictures, but I adjusted my aperture to 4.2 for a more narrow depth of field.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 8mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/3.5
TV:1/10 sec
Flash: None

I had my camera in AV for this picture and did my lowest possible aperture for the amount of zoom I was using. I also had my camera's focus set on manual because I wanted the strawberry to be crisp and in focus. I also had my ISO set at 100 to keep the picture sharp.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length:8mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/3.5
TV:1/20 sec
Flash: None

I took this picture at the same place I took the one with the strawberry cake, and the settings stayed pretty much the same. Because I was standing a little farther back, so I could include the entire glass and the spoon, more is in focus, but I still kept my aperture as low as possible.

Photography Final: International Travel

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 5mm
AV: f/3.1
TV: 1/30 sec
Flash: None

This picture was taken outside of the bus station while I was waiting for the bus to take me to the Fiumicino airport. I wanted to start my story here, and I kept my aperture low enough so I could keep the sign in focus but let the background fade away. Also, because it was still dark outside and I didn't have my tripod in reach, I raised my ISO to 400 to properly expose the picture.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 8mm
AV: f/7.8
TV: 1/100 sec
Flash: None

This picture was taking outside the Fiumicino airport, and I had my aperture set almost at the highest value to keep as much as possible in focus. I also had my ISO set at 100 so the picture would be clear.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 9mm
AV: f/8
TV: 1/50 sec
Flash: None

This picture was taken from the plane during sunset while I was flying over the Alps. I had my aperture almost as high as possible to keep everything in focus, and my ISO as low as possible to prevent grain.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 10mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/8.2
TV: 1/30 sec
Flash: None

Again, I had my camera in AV mode for this picture, and I kept the aperture as high as possible so everything would be in focus.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 4mm
AV: f/3.7
TV: 1/30 sec
Flash: None

This is the picture of the German airport on my way to Norway, and unlike most the other pictures in this set, I had my camera at a lower aperture to prevent blur. It was a little dim in the airport, so instead of changing to shutter mode I just opened my aperture up. I also changed the picture to black and white because all the colors detracted from the picture.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 4mm
TV: 1/30 sec
Flash: None

This is a picture of my plane ticket, the snack I was eating while waiting for my plane, and the ticket. I wanted very little of the picture to be in full focus, so I lowered my depth of field to f/3.

Photography Final: Religious

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 4mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/3
TV:1/1600 sec
Flash: None

This picture was taken outside the house of the Vestal Virgins near the beginning of the semester, and I think I had my camera in auto mode (or in landscape mode, I can't remember which), but I wanted to focus on the texture of her clothes and the overall composition of the picture.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 4mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/4
TV:1/1000 sec
Flash: None

I had my camera set in AV mode for this picture, and I wanted the aperture to be on the lower end to emphasize the cross. I liked the contrast in lights and darks on it, and I like how the cross could make for a very interesting composition.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 16mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/4.1
TV:1/400 sec
Flash: None

I had my camera in aperture priority for this, and I kept my camera at a lower aperture so that the majority of the focus would be on the angel's face. I also had my ISO set at 100 so it would be sharp.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length:160mm
ISO: 125
AV: f/5.5
TV:1/500 sec
Flash: None

I zoomed in a lot for this picture, and used the lowest aperture possible for the amount of zoom I was using on my camera. Because I was shooting this picture from so far away, I also had to have a higher shutter speed so there wouldn't be a blur if I had a hard time holding steady. I ended up taking several of this same shot before I came out with one I liked.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 8mm
ISO: 500
AV: f/7.6
TV: 1/13
Flash: None

I really wanted to take a shot of the candles in a few of the churches, and I decided that instead of letting them blur out quickly, I would use a higher aperture to get many of the candles in focus, as well as to keep the candles from being over-exposed. Because I was in a dark church I had my ISO set on auto, but now that I think about it, I wish I had double checked it to be sure it was set where I wanted it to be. However, I still like the picture and I think it turned out alright.

Photography Final: Portraits

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length:24mm
AV: f/4.3
TV: 1/100
Flash: None

I used a large amount of zoom on my camera to take this picture, and made sure to lower the aperture so that the donkey would be in focus while the rest of the background faded away. Also, because it was bright outside my shutter speed was fast enough to prevent motion blur, and the picture turned out nice and sharp. I think this is my favorite picture in the portrait section.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 71mm
AV: f/4.8
TV: 1/40 sec
Flash: None

Usually when I'm in a museum I keep my ISO on auto, but I adjusted the aperture so that his face (mostly his eyes) would be in focus while everything else blurred out gradually.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length:58mm
AV: f/4.8
TV: 1/320 sec
Flash: None

Portraits are my hardest subject, but since portraits are supposed to be more in focus than the rest of the picture I had my aperture as low as I could with the amount of zoom I was using.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 180mm
ISO: 100
TV:1/140 sec
Flash: None

Again, I used the lowest aperture that I could with the amount of zoom that I was using. I also had the ISO at 100 to make the picture less grainy.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 84mm
TV:1/200 sec
Flash: None

I really like this picture, because it's very rare to see someone walking down the street looking so happy. I used a lot of zoom on this picture, and I had my aperture as low as possible for the amount of zoom. When I was working on editing this photo I had a difficult time with the crop and color adjustments, but I finally settled on a closer crop than I had originally planned.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length:125mm
TV:1/130 sec
Flash: None

I took this picture because I really liked the contrast between the lady's red jacket and the green trees behind it. I really zoomed in on this lady, and even though the aperture is really high for my camera, somehow it ended up with a really narrow depth of field. The ISO was also set at 100 so the picture would have as little grain as possible.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length:49mm
ISO: 200
TV: 1/200 sec
Flash: None

It was a little cloudy outside the day I took this picture, so I had my ISO set at 200 instead of 100. I also used my zoom to get in close, but I still ended up cropping out a lot of the photo . Last, but not least, I used the lowest aperture I could for the amount of zoom I was using to blur the background and keep focus on his face.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 30mm
TV:1/160 sec
Flash: None

 As usual with my portrait type pictures, I kept my aperture as low as possible for the amount of zoom. However, I think I must have had my ISO set on low range auto because I would have normally used an aperture of 100 instead of 400. Even with that being the case, the picture still turned out nice and there doesn't seem to be too much grain.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length:30mm
TV:1/160 sec
Flash: None

It was cloudy when I took this picture, so I had the ISO set at 200, and as usual I had my aperture as low as possible.
Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 24mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/4.3
TV: 1/125 sec
Flash: None

This picture was particularly hard to edit, but I really wanted to include it in my portraits (mostly because it's obvious how much Michaela loves having her picture taken). The biggest problem I had with this picture, was that there was someone standing behind her with a bright red and white polka-dotted dress. It was really distracting, and now matter how many times I ran an adjustment brush over it, it refused to tone down. After trying that I opened up photoshop and completely blurred and desaturated the background. That helped a little, but it was still obvious that someone was behind her walking around. I really didn't want to crop as close as I did, but I ended up doing it to cut out on the distraction.

Photography Final: Cityscapes

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 14mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/4.9
TV: 1/100 sec
Flash: None

I took this picture mostly for the composition and the detail. Because it was cloudy out I shot at a lower aperture to let in as much light as possible. I also had my ISO at 100 so everything would stay nice and sharp without grain.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 13mm
ISO: 400
AV: f/4.4
TV: 1 sec
Flash: None

 I took this picture right after I got to Stavanger, Norway, and used the same settings that worked in Rome for my night shots. I used a lower aperture to let in a lot of light, and I did a 1 second exposure to let in even more. I also had my ISO set at 400 to help with the exposure too.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 4mm
ISO: 200
AV: f/4.2
TV: 1 sec
Flash: None

I played around a lot with the settings for this shot and finally settled with something I liked. With the ISO at 200 it wasn't too grainy, and with the street lights, I was able to do that, a 1 second shutter speed, and a higher aperture to make the picture properly exposed.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 4mm
ISO: 200
AV: f/5.9
TV: 1/30 sec
Flash: None

I was taking this picture around sunset, and since I wanted the picture to be sharp, I adjusted my aperture to be lower than it would be in the middle of the day, and I raised my ISO so I could take pictures without any wobble or motion blur (because I apparently have a hard time holding steady). I also used my camera at the widest angle possible to catch as much of Florence as I could.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 5mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/7.6
TV: 2.5 sec
Flash: None

In this picture I slowed the shutter speed down so the carousel would be blurred, and I raised the aperture so the lights wouldn't be blown out.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 4mm
ISO: 400
AV: f/3.3
TV: 1/30
Flash: None

Since I didn't have my tripod with me at the time, I raised the ISO and lowered the aperture enough so that I could take clear pictures standing up. I also used the widest angle I could on my camera so I could catch the entire doorway.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 4mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/8.3
TV: 1/100
Flash: None

Since it was bright outside when I took this picture I used the highest aperture I could to get everything in focus and the lowest ISO possible. Because I wanted to get the entire bell tower, I used the widest angle I could on my camera to get the full shot.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 4mm
ISO: 400
AV: f/8.3
TV: 1/60
Flash: None

It was really cloudy outside when I took this picture, so I raised the ISO to 400, but because I wanted most of everything in focus I also raised the aperture to the highest setting possible.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 4mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/8.3
TV: 4 seconds
Flash: None

I had a lot of fun with this picture, but it was a special challenge for me because the sun hadn't set yet. It took several tries to get it right, and many of the times I either over-exposed the picture, or the people and vehicles weren't blurred enough for them to almost disappear. After a while, I finally settled on a 4 second exposure with a really low ISO and a high aperture. I still had to adjust the exposure in lightroom, but not as much as I would have with several of the other pictures.

Photography Final: Natural Landscapes

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 4mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/3
TV: 1/1250 sec
Flash: None

I took this picture at the beginning of the trip in Sicily, and I think I had my camera in landscape mode. I was trying for a panorama when I took this picture, but since I didn't think it would turn out, I stopped and took this shot. I focused mainly on the composition instead of anything else.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 10mm
ISO: 220
AV: f/5.2
TV: 1/60 sec
Flash: None

Even though this is a macro shot, I zoomed in quite a bit to do this. I also had my aperture in the middle range, so the leaves would begin blurring off into the background.
Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 5mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/6
TV: 1/60 sec
Flash: None

I had my camera at a little bit of a higher aperture for this picture, but because it was cloudy, I didn't have it all the way up. However, I still set my ISO at 100 to keep the picture nice and sharp.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 4mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/3
TV: 1/125 sec
Flash: None

When I saw these leaves on the ground I knew right away that I had to take a picture of them. I set my camera into aperture mode and lowered it as far as it would go. I also put my camera into manual focus so that it would focus on the center of the leaves.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 44mm
ISO: 200
AV: f/8.3
TV: 1/500 sec
Flash: None

Because I wanted there to be a lot of contrast between lights and darks, and because I didn't want the lights to be blown out, I raised my shutter speed, raised my aperture, and had my ISO on the lower range. I like how the cloud was partially blocking the sun, so even he edge of the sun is in focus, and even the brightest part in the sky are easy to see.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 4mm
ISO: 200
AV: 1/8 sec
TV: f/8.3
Flash: None

I didn't have my tripod with my when I took this picture, so I did my best to hold everything steady. I raised the ISO a tiny bit to help, but because I wanted all the water to be in focus I made the aperture as high as possible.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 4mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/8.3
TV: 1/4 sec
Flash: None

I've always wanted to do silky water, so when I was in Norway and we crossed this bridge over a stream, I stopped to try and take pictures. First, I set my camera into manual mode, and because it way bright enough outside to blow everything out, I raised my aperture as high as possible, lowered my ISO, and to get the silky water lowered my shutter speed as much as possible without blowing everything out.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 16mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/4.6
TV: 1/1000 sec
Flash: None

This picture was taken near the beginning of the trip, and I think I had my camera in landscape mode. Most of what I was doing for this picture was focusing on the composition and the colors.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix P510
Lens: N/A
Focal Length: 24mm
ISO: 100
AV: f/4.8
TV: 1/250 sec
Flash: None

 I set this picture up in aperture mode to let in quite a bit of light, and I focused mostly on the composition. When I first saw the ponies I really wanted to include them in with the beautiful scenery, and I was so happy when I noticed these two off by themselves.   I also had my ISO at 100 so there would be as little grain as possible.


Alone in London (Not Really)

Wednesday November 26th - Friday November 28th

Even though I originally wanted to take a trip to Ireland or Scotland I changed my mind and decided to take a trip to London. London wasn't what I preferred but it was much cheaper and I knew there would be no shortage of things to do. Right after I arrived I headed straight to the hostel because it was late and I was tired from the flight. It was my first time in a youth hostel so I was a little nervous, but it was cheap and convenient. Luckily it wasn't too bad, and for a place to sleep it was worth it. My first full day in London was busy and I took several time-lapses and walked around the Oxford Circus area while I waited to meet up with a friend. I went through several of the shops and got to experience the Christmas lights. Since I was near the Trafalgar square area I tried to find it but never did. Instead I walked around and found a couple of gardens and squares. After I met up with my Friend she showed me how to get to Trafalgar square, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the Christmas lights. We also crossed the Westminster Bridge and looked at the eye from across the river. There were many other things we did, and we eventually stopped at this one place to sit down and eat dinner before heading our own ways. I probably walked about 20 miles that day, but the next morning I was determined to visit all of the stuff again and take daytime pictures. That I took a couple more time-lapses and videos, and found my way to the London National Gallery. I really wanted to go in, but was worried it would cost too much. However, when I got there I found out it was free, and even though I was exhausted from all the walking, I went inside and looked around. I really liked the gallery, and inside were a few Van Gogh paintings, Caravaggio, and many, many others. After the museum I found my way to a train station and took a train to the Gatwick Airport. At the airport I ate a late Thanksgiving dinner (which was technically for Christmas, but it had all the same stuff) and walked around on a nice little nature trail. Friday was another tiring day, and I probably walked another 10 miles, but it was both fun and relaxing. When I got back to Norway that night I was exhausted and was ready to relax for a few days before heading back home, but very glad I decided to take the trip to London.